The Canadian Health Protection Network
is the name of the Network for the RDH's data base going forward.
In creating this Network Data base, it shows support of
dental hygienists that want information.
There is no obligation to proceed further after watching our 3 webinars.
Our goal is to create a data base of over 500 dental health professionals who are interested in learning more about managing oral dysbiosis and improving outcomes for patients with diabetes, COPD, cardiovascular conditions, and Alzheimer/Dementia.
The partnership of GFTH and CHX will provide dental hygienists an opportunity to align oral health with overall health as it manages oral dysbiosis.
The medical profession has been managing oral dysbiosis to improve outcomes for patients with diabetes, COPD, cardiovascular conditions, and Alzheimer/Dementia.
The partnership of GFTH and CHX is setting up a data base
“Canadian Health Protection Network” so CHX can then build the
Marketing and Education to external connections like the Diabetic Care Company.
In early 2021, Gift from the Heart will launch the Canadian Health Protection Network and together with CHX Technologies will provide Prevora and other preventive oral healthcare services to the growing numbers of Canadian adults experiencing chronically poor oral health. It features affordable, evidence-based, painless oral healthcare in venues frequented by high risk adults, such as the independent hygiene practice, the community health centre, the family physician’s practice, hospitals, the pharmacy and the retirement residence. A tele-oral health service is planned so as to further improve access.
Office location
284B Wallbridge-Loyalist Road
Belleville, Ontario K8N 5B3
Clinic Location
12 Alice Street, Brighton, Ontario
Charity Registration Name:
11095226 Canada Foundation
BN/Registration No. 725902886RR0001
Sinclair Dental
PurolatorCHX Technologies
Enspire Dental Opportunities
Flowerpot Marketing Agency
Sunstar GUM